One of the simplest and most effective ways to increase the amount of chlorine in your pool is by adding bleach. However, it may not be the best choice for every pool. For those who have a pool and want to make sure that they can swim, but still maintain the quality of their water, this article will show you how to raise chlorine levels in the pool with bleach.
Bleaching agents are often used in your laundry room or cleaning any stains in your home, and it’s not difficult to find in your local stores. Let’s dive into the detailed discussion on raising chlorine levels in your pool with bleach.
Bleach is often divided into three major classes: Chlorine-based, Peroxide-based, and Sulfer Dioxide-based. If you are concern about raising chlorine levels in our pool, you only need to consider Chlorine-based Bleach.
Chlorine-based Bleach is widely used to sanitize/disinfect water, medical equipment, or in our household laundry. The widely used compound used in chlorine-based Bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite.
When you are using Bleach in your pool as a primary source of chlorination, you need to add Bleach in your pool daily at a very slow pace, and it’s important to test your pool chlorine level daily.
Bleach vs. Chlorine for Disinfection
Pool chlorine is made up of Calcium Hypochlorite, while sodium Hypochlorite is present in the household bleaching agent.
- Bleach is inexpensive and available on most of your local store
- You can use it directly in your pool or throughout your skimmer
- Bleach has a weak chlorine concentration against pool chlorine
- The Main Chemical compound is Sodium hypochlorite
- Bleach is mixed up with many other ingredients
- Pool Chlorine is expensive
- It has a stronger concentration of Chlorine, so you need to dispense it very carefully
- Pool Chlorine is a natural source of Chlorine, which means it’s not mixed up with another ingredient
- The Main Chemical compound is Calcium Hypochlorite
How to Raise Chlorine Level in Pool with Bleach
Bleach is quite effective in increasing the free Chlorine in an inexpensive way. You need to follow the below simple steps to raise your free Chlorine using a bleaching agent. Just make sure you are not using scented Bleach or specialized Bleach; only use the original Bleach.
Follow the below simple steps to raise your pool’s chlorine levels with bleach:
Step 1: Check your pool’s pH level
Before adding Bleach to your pool, you need to check the water pH level. It is important because if the pH level is more than 7.8, your Chlorine will lose quickly
Step 2: Check the cyanuric acid level
Cyanuric acid is often called a pool conditioner or stabilizer. The chemical compound of Bleach is Sodium hypochlorite. After putting Bleach in your water, it will convert to sodium hypochlorite ions. When UV rays of sunlight hit, the chlorine parts will evaporate, which means you will need more Bleach, and lots of money will be wasted.
If there is enough Cyanuric Acid (CYA), it will create bonds with the sodium hypochlorite ions and it will protect the chlorine part from evaporation when sunlight hits. CYA should be between 30 ppm to 50 ppm. Otherwise, you need to add more CYA, if the ppm level is lower.
Step 3: Measuring your pool volume
You need to measure the volume of your pool water to determine the required amount of Bleach. You need to know the length, width, and deep of your pool to determine the pool water.
Step 4: Check the Existing Chlorine level
It’s time to test your existing chlorine level before adding Bleach to your pool. You can use your pool test kit to perform the job. If you already have a higher chlorine level (over 5-6 ppm), then you need to forget the steps and consider lowering your chlorine level.
Step 5: Start Adding Bleach to the pool
Now you know how many gallons of water you have in your pool and the existing chlorine level. So, it’s time to find how much Bleach you need to add to your pool. If your existing chlorine level is 2 ppm and you need to raise it the 4 ppm. You can follow the attached chart.
Step 6: Process of Adding the Bleach
It’s better if you can manage a measuring cup in ounces for diluting the Bleach in your pool. You can add Bleach directly to the pool water or by the pool skimmer. You can add the total amount of Bleach within 3 to 4 days. This will help you to prevent any dramatic change in chlorine level and pH.
Step 7: Do regular tests of pH, CYA, and Chlorine level
This is important to maintain a proper pH level (between 7.2-7.80, CYA (30-50 ppm), and Chlorine (3-5 ppm). Changing one of these parameters could be responsible for the fluctuation of a healthy pool water chemistry.
Using Bleach in a Kiddie Pool
Bleach can be used in a kiddie pool to increase the amount of chlorine that is available for swimming. It will also help reduce bacteria levels, which can make your child more comfortable while they are playing.
We already know the concentration of Chlorine is lesser in the bleaching agents. Therefore, adding Bleach to your kiddie pool is safe. Keep in mind that you only need to use basic or original Bleach instead of scented Bleach in your kiddie pool.
Most of the kiddie pools are made of plastic. Clorox Regular Bleach is widely used as a basic bleaching agent for pools. It is also safe for plastic pools. You need to add ⅛ cup or 1 ounce of Bleach with every 100 gallons of water.
How long do you have to wait to go swimming after putting bleach in a pool?
The answer to the above question will differ depending on what type of bleaching agent was used and how much bleach was added. A pool must be allowed to come back to its optimum state of being before swimming can be done in it.
If you want a straight and short answer, then it’s safe to wait at least 4-6 hours before you start swimming again.
To determine the accurate time, you need to know the total pool water and filter capacity. Your swimming pool is ready to swim if your one cycle of filtration is complete. You can use a test kit to determine the amount of chlorine in your pool before you start swimming.
Can you use Bleach Tablets in a pool?
Bleach tablets are for cleaning toilets, and yes, it’s possible to use a bleach tablet in your pool as a chlorine source. There is not any evidence that it is dangerous for your pool. But it will be quite a hassle to dilute in your pool and not economical for disinfecting your pool because this is not an inexpensive option for you.
Can you put Bleach in an inflatable pool?
Some people might be afraid to use Bleach in an inflatable pool due to the pool’s plastic material. But, it’s completely safe if you are using basic and original Bleach. Do not use the scented or specialized bleaching agent, as they are mixed up with another chemical compound, which may be harmful.
How long does bleach last in the pool?
There could be two possible answers. If you are talking about the bleach bottle, which you are keeping in your home, then it’s better to replace it every 6 months.
And, if you are talking about the Bleach in your pool water, then, it depends on the sunlight, presence of Cyanuric Acid, and pH level.
Can I Use Scented Bleach in My Pool?
No, you shouldn’t use scented bleach in your pool. Scented bleach doesn’t have actual ingredients as regular unscented bleach. Scented bleach has very little amount of Sodium Hypochlorite, so, it doesn’t actually help your pool water be chlorinated or sanitized.
Some people may think it’s a great idea to use scented bleach in your pool because it has the ability to mask chlorine odors and will make your water smell better. They actually putting themself at risk, because, scenting ingredients shouldn’t be for direct contact with skin.
Final Words
In summary, Using Bleach in your pool is really hassle-free and now you might have a clear picture of how to raise chlorine levels in your pool using bleach. If you want to maintain the health of your pool, we recommend that you perform weekly water tests. This will ensure that you are properly maintaining your pool and can spot any problems before they become major issues.